Monday, September 05, 2005

Hurricane Relief Weekend Sept 1 - Sept 5

Note: This post will be on top all weekend. Scroll down for new posts

The Blogs Across America Hurricane Relief Day has been expanded to a Hurricane Relief weekend because of the tremendous response. As of late Friday morning, over $300,000 in contributions have been logged. And so we continue on. I've moved the relevant information from my previous post to this one. Please continue to pray about more ways you can help. I've linked more charities here. But there are even more here. As the days wear on, we begin to see the depth of the need along the Gulf Coast and how massive the relief efforts will be.

Hugh Hewitt and Glenn Reynolds put out the call and the bloggers are answering. NZ Bear is providing a complete list of the charities that bloggers are recommending.

The charity I recommend is the Red Cross. I choose it because it was the first place I thought to donate and the first organization I heard about bringing supplies and support to the Gulf region.

To donate by phone:

My friends and I at Stones Cry Out have chosen the Salvation Army.

Additionally, while surveying the complete list, I discovered the Soldiers' Angels is organizing an effort as well. I continue to urge donations to Soldiers Angels in all forms, as they will focus on Soldiers who will soon be returning to the region, only to find their familes scattered and their homes destroyed. Please pray for them as they deal with the news of this disaster while also serving so bravely around the world.

Prayer and donations are needed. See how you can work to provide both.
May God bless our efforts and may the money be used in the best and most efficient ways possible.

Also, you can log your donation here to help know how much we have all been able to help. And you can do so anonymously. You don't have to give your name or blog site in order to log your contribution.

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